Thursday, June 29, 2006

thUsday Blog at Work

Because thUsday sounds like tuesday... on which there was no post.

No D&D this week, with people on overlapping vacations/trips. This comming week is going to have mostly logistics, but that will include making a communtal notebook of everything thats happened - including NPC names, Promices made (and forgotten), Deeds commited, Quotes (in and out of game), and so forth. It will be open to anyone to write in, and kept by me. Should help jog me on everything thats happened and keep a better record of things as they happen. This should help me to continue the story I stopped awhile ago. I'll let you all know how this goes, I might start doing it for any campains I run.

Work is starting to get hectic. Orders for 1100+ computers in, and starting to get parts in and have them build in earnest.

Interesting thing I'm finding. On occassion, i have to fdisk a computer. Fdisking deletes everything on the hard drive, very quickly and efficiently. Its run off a bootable 3.5' floppy in DOS, and takes only a few seconds in all. When I do it, I feel like i'm putting down a computer. Strange. (don't take this seriously) *shrug*.

Other News: I'm getting to Main Tank various parts of Molten Core for Loki. I came in as one of their better equiped warriors, and thats helping accelerate my position. I've pwned Lucifron, Gehnass, numerous Molten Gians and even Destroyers. Even when I'm off-tanking, we chain pull (pull the next monster when still fighting the first), so i'm doing that. The guild has even crafted me an Ony Scale Cloak, and an Epic Dark Iron (Fire Resistence) Helm free of charge.

Interesting thing about this possition in a guild - you get your own group of healers. I play wow, and am supported by at least four other people. I can yell out things like "Heals on Yakra !" or "I need 30 min buffs" and people listen. I get spoken orders from the raid leader when I'm off-tanking, and If I die from lack of heals, people get chastised / yelled at. Someone who doesn't play wow should totally do a study on the structure of guilds.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

20-6 Blog at Work

Captain Shar wins. Blogging on Tuesday Continues.

Two Eventful Event-like things this week-

First was Friday, when my PC's went up against an Adult Black Dragon, pimped out with Draconomicon Feats. It was an epic battle in his three-chambered partially-submerged underground cavern, taking us well past midnight. There was no player deaths, allthough this was mostly due to some extensive, well-thought out application of protection from energy (84 point acid damage soak) and resistence from energy (10). Even so, my Dragon once got off a full attack sequence, landed every attack, and delt something around 70 points of tail-slap/wing/wing/claw/claw/bite goodness. There was some diagonal/3-D flanking off the roof of the low-cavern, sending skeletons as test-dummies at the cavern, enraged-mushroom-eating badgers, and the traditional phat lewt at the end (including an unhatched black dragon egg...).

Also, had a get together last night at my house for games and pizza. Amy and I invited some (of many) people we haven't gotten to see much/at all this summer, including Matt, Dan, Rosie and Michael, and Patrick. I think we had a three hour apples to apples game, followed by muchkin. The munchkin game was climatic/anti-climatic. I almost won in a battle against Squidzilla (after anilating my own sword), Santa, and Ancient Crabs. I was uber-ly geared, but it proved three points innsufficient against being backstabed/trampled/poisoned/cursed/ect. Matt won the next round - this is the anti-climax. He was a Lv9 Cleric with -NO- Gear. He draws an undead horse (lv 4), and kills it without opposition.


Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Tuesday Blog at Work

I think blogging at work is a trendy thing to do, espically in the tech field.

Long time no update - couple things have happened since... (in decending order)
-Got Married
-Started New Job
-Finished Sophmore Year / Finals
-Joined New World of Warcraft Guild (I can hear Andrew's eyes rolling / sigh)

Marriage is wonderful. Its an Institution that I'm glad to be a part of, and highly recommend. Everything leading up to the wedding part is a little rough, more planning and shades of white and candy bowls then I care for, but I'm glad mine went off so well and everyone I talked to had a good time.

This summer I'm working at LAM again - only now I have a pay raise and Minions (non-sacrifical type... /cry) thanks to seniority. Slow start to the year, but things are really going to get rolling soon.

Grades for Spring semester came in, happy to say I'm still a member of the honors program / attendent of messiah (these are one in the same...)

And the last new piece of info, switched WoW guilds. Our guild leader got in a spat with some people, and made off with our entire bank. People /gquit, we couldn't get through half the end game content we had worked towards, ect. Now i'm in "Loki", and starting to have alot more fun doing even more advanced stuff (working through Blackwing Lair).

Now Going Back To Work

Poll: Will I blog again next Tuesday?