Thursday, May 31, 2007

Day Two

Rest of Day 1: Had class / dinner, and all was well and unexciting. Stayed up late talking to Amy and playing video games.

Day Two: I slept in till 10, knowing that my sleep schedule would need serious revamping before reentering work world. When I got up, I worked on assigned readings, and went to lunch at noonish.

When I left after lunch to begin the treck over to my community service < >, the first thing I noticed was how incredibly hot it is. Heat in the city is different from heat in PA. Since we have no A/C at the campus housing (or at Open Borders), I’m learning that the hard way.

My job for today was going to be mainly examining their computer setup and seeing what I could do to improve things. One goal that Manuel mentioned, was that he would like to see their network setup unified with one computer at the head.

From what I saw…

*Short Version* - Things were a mess, and it would be hard.

*Long/Technical Version* - Its about a dozen Windows 2000 with varying software, and a Windows 2003 Server machine. All the computers were on different Workgroups and Domains, and there were multiple naming conventions for the machines themselves. I haven’t worked with server software all that much, and have had nothing but DNS errors in my attempts today. It looks like with a lot of work and effort, I can get it done (hopefully)

-Also, it doesn’t help that I only try to run two computers at a time, out of fear of creating an oven. Computers in already hot, closed environments is not good.

When their was about an hour left, we all were pulled to go help one of the regular volunteers distribute flyers about upcoming classes, to the neighborhood. We went and visited some restaurants, health clinics, and a free library. I was interested by the fact that the health clinic had areas for all aspects of personal care, from nurse stations to dental work. I suppose it makes things easy for people without much time to keep healthy(er) by things being all together.

We then ended up back at our housing, I had dinner, and then class. After class seems like the new time I’ll be writing my journals, yesterday was an exception because I had time free up in the middle of the day. Tomorrow I don’t have class, and we don’t have to go into work since they told us it’s a ghost town on Fridays, and there are other times in the morning, ect. that they would rather us come in. My new plan is to do the weekends homework in one fel swoop. That will free up time on Sunday for a visit from Amy (hopefully), as the only planed activity for Sunday is church.


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