Dragon Encounters One.
I love Dragons.
Not only are they half the title of the freaking game, they rock. Treasure hordes, breath weapons, 6+ natural attacks, huge AC, sweet saves all around, smart, wise, fun lairs... the list goes on.
I'm starting to find that the dragon encounters I plan for my party are completely capable of being run alone. Here's the first that they've run.
Dragon one, Aethelraz the Blighter (Adult Black Dragon)
He's got a swamp based cave, with assassin vines and shreakers for guards. The purple fungus are easily ignored, unless you come within their huge reach and take ability damage. Multiple caverns linked underwater take full advangate of the swim speed and allow quick retreats for regrouping, as well as having a hoard thats only accessable from underwater, and at a distance that would drownd most adventurers. As for Aethelraz himself, he's pimped out with Draconomicon feats such as spreading breath (to clear out swarms of low power melee creatures) and recover breath (for frequent use of breath weapon). His one weakness is lack of flight space inside the cavern.
The next dragon is likely going to be fought tonight or next week, so I'll post about that one then.
Not only are they half the title of the freaking game, they rock. Treasure hordes, breath weapons, 6+ natural attacks, huge AC, sweet saves all around, smart, wise, fun lairs... the list goes on.
I'm starting to find that the dragon encounters I plan for my party are completely capable of being run alone. Here's the first that they've run.
Dragon one, Aethelraz the Blighter (Adult Black Dragon)
He's got a swamp based cave, with assassin vines and shreakers for guards. The purple fungus are easily ignored, unless you come within their huge reach and take ability damage. Multiple caverns linked underwater take full advangate of the swim speed and allow quick retreats for regrouping, as well as having a hoard thats only accessable from underwater, and at a distance that would drownd most adventurers. As for Aethelraz himself, he's pimped out with Draconomicon feats such as spreading breath (to clear out swarms of low power melee creatures) and recover breath (for frequent use of breath weapon). His one weakness is lack of flight space inside the cavern.
The next dragon is likely going to be fought tonight or next week, so I'll post about that one then.
One encounters a dragon.
Aethelraz the Blighter is an amazing name... almost as funny as those of most medieval German princes, which are pretty lame when translated. Example. "Philipp the Always-ready-for-a-fight" is usually rendered in English as "Philipp the Valiant." Come ON. :P
P.S. Have you read Farmer Giles of Ham? Probably a million times, right? 'Cause Chrysophylax Dives is a pretty sweet name as well.
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