Tuesday, June 20, 2006

20-6 Blog at Work

Captain Shar wins. Blogging on Tuesday Continues.

Two Eventful Event-like things this week-

First was Friday, when my PC's went up against an Adult Black Dragon, pimped out with Draconomicon Feats. It was an epic battle in his three-chambered partially-submerged underground cavern, taking us well past midnight. There was no player deaths, allthough this was mostly due to some extensive, well-thought out application of protection from energy (84 point acid damage soak) and resistence from energy (10). Even so, my Dragon once got off a full attack sequence, landed every attack, and delt something around 70 points of tail-slap/wing/wing/claw/claw/bite goodness. There was some diagonal/3-D flanking off the roof of the low-cavern, sending skeletons as test-dummies at the cavern, enraged-mushroom-eating badgers, and the traditional phat lewt at the end (including an unhatched black dragon egg...).

Also, had a get together last night at my house for games and pizza. Amy and I invited some (of many) people we haven't gotten to see much/at all this summer, including Matt, Dan, Rosie and Michael, and Patrick. I think we had a three hour apples to apples game, followed by muchkin. The munchkin game was climatic/anti-climatic. I almost won in a battle against Squidzilla (after anilating my own sword), Santa, and Ancient Crabs. I was uber-ly geared, but it proved three points innsufficient against being backstabed/trampled/poisoned/cursed/ect. Matt won the next round - this is the anti-climax. He was a Lv9 Cleric with -NO- Gear. He draws an undead horse (lv 4), and kills it without opposition.



Blogger Captain Shar said...


Did you know I started DMing for my family? I'm sure it won't look like much to a DM of your experience, but if you want to see my first attempt, it's at herohavendd.blogspot.com (which is also a link from my new blog location at noumenalblade.blogspot.com).

The dice you gave me came in very handy.

7:38 PM  

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