Friday, October 27, 2006

Gestalt Uber Party

In my alloted daydreaming time (Economics 110), I pondered today the best possible four person gestalt adventuring party.

For those not in the know, gestalt characters take two different classes at the same time. For each level, they take the better of all features. A (Fighter/Cleric)1 Therefore has a d10 HD, 4+Int Skills, Good Fort and Will saves, A bonus Fighter Feet, +1 BAB, and Cleric Spellcasting. This is not the same as a multiclass Fighter1/Cleric1 (2nd Level Character). The gestalt character doesn't get a d8 HD + a d10 HD, only the better of the two.

So, without delay...
Self-Healing Heavy-Armor Meat Shield, Preped with Divine Buffs. Probably Dwarven. Stats: CON, WIS. Possible (unlikely) levels in Dwarven Defender, if PHB2 feats don't warent high levels of fighter.

Super Arcane Blasting / Divine Anything, Unarmored. Gets tons of use from Metamagic Feats. Can Heal and Buff. Stats: INT/WIS/CHA (Cha for Turning and Diplomacy). Probably Halfling. Also go for the supreme uber and start taking mystic thurge levels to raise both at once, and take levels in Archmage and Hirophant (See DMG).

Back-up Healing, Summoning, Archery, Druid Buffs, Shapeshifting utility, and Nature Guide. Medium Armor. Stats: DEX, WIS. Definatly Elven.

Super Melee Damage with 2-Hander and sneek attack. Light armor compliments both classes. Trapfinder and Scout. Probably Human (To make up for no fighter feats). Possible Multiclass into Assassin from rogue.

--Soo... What do you think? I'm curious to see other people's ideas on their own 4 (or 3) person group.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Legacy of Alzor Wiki

Check it out.

Its my newest project, and I'm hoping to end up with a very well developed world. Its partially limited to avoid spoilers, but it will grow as the party adventures (and I have to flesh it out more and more).

I have given everyone in my party editing privledges, so I'm hoping that it will have multiple viewpoints on subjects.


*watches and waits for the Rhys-Avon wiki to explode into existance with 10,000+ pages*